Introduction to Java:
Java is general purpose and powerful language. It is fundamentally an object oriented programming language.
Java is platform independent(portable), you write a program in your system and it can also run on other platform, you just have to take the byte code.
Java is strongly typed language, whereas python, javascript are not.
Java does automatic memory allocation.
There are many other features, keeping in mind that we are preparing for DSA we would focus more on how to write code in java.
What do computers understand?
computers understand 0s and 1s (binary code), writing programs in binary is tedious and error prone.
So we came up with high level programming languages(c,c++,java,python), which are more closer to the developer, binary code is closer to machine.
For running programs written in high level language we have transform them into machine code. For this we have tools like compilers, Interpreters and assemblers.
How does Java code run?
Before that we have talk about JDK (Java Development Kit), which helps us write and run java Programs. It has different tools and libraries like JRE, JVM etc
JRE is java runtime environment (provide environment to run) which consists JVM (Java virtual Machine- Executes bytecode), this thing makes java platform independent and special.
Now how does it run: will illustrate using the picture:
Source code goes through the compiler and we get a .class file which is bytecode. And to execute this JVM produces native code(which is specific to machine/platform).
Basic Syntax:
public class Main
public static void main(String args[])
- Variables are names for memory locations, where we store data. Using variables we can access, retrieve, and modify stored data.
dataType variableName = value;
you can declare variable and assign value afterwards.
dataType variableName;
variableName = value;
Data Types:
Data types can be divided into two types: Primitive and non primitive.
Primitive types are: byte, short, char, boolean, int, long, float, double
Non primitive: String, class, Array, object, Interface
Size of data types:
- 1 byte is equal to 8 bits, a bit can have one of either states 0 or 1
byte - 1 byte (-128 to 127)
short - 2 bytes
char - 2 bytes
boolean - 1 byte (true or false)
int - 4 bytes
long - 8 bytes
float - 4 bytes
double - 8 bytes
- Output in java to the console can be done with the following functions.
System.out.println("Hello there!");
System.out.print("Hello there!");
println() -> goes to a new line
print() -> does not go to a new line
\n - can also be used for printing a new line
Input in Java:
- To take input in java we have different methods, here we will talk about Scanner class.
Step 1: We have to import Scanner class (this should be done at the top of the program)
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;
imports all the utility package.
Step 2: Now we have to create instance/ object of Scanner class
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
- We have to note something, there are different functions for different data types through which we can take input.
next() - this is for string and it only (captures) takes input till the first space.
nextLine() - this is for string and it take (captures) complete line
nextInt() - this is for int data type.
nextFloat() - this is for float data type.
nextBoolean() - this is for boolean values.
nextDouble() - this is for double values
nextLong() - this is for long values.
nextByte() - this is for byte values.
nextShort() - this is for short values.
next.charAt(0) - this is for char values, 0 inside () tells about the place, 0 is the starting point of the text.
Type Conversion:
Type conversion, by that I mean a data type converting to another data type happens in two cases:
When type is compatible eg: int <--> float (but float value changing into int will cause truncation of decimal values)
When destination type is bigger than source type (destination type > source type) byte -> short -> int -> float -> long -> double
Type Casting:
- By type casting, I mean explicitly converting a dataType.
float val = 23.456f;
int num = (int)val;
- Operators are the symbols that tell the compiler to perform some operation.
Type of operators:
Arithmetic operators (binary, unary and ternary)
Relational operators
Logical operators
Bitwise operators (Bit manipulation)
Assignment operators
Arithmetic Operators:
- These are used to perform arithmetic operations.
+ : used for addition
- : used for subtraction
* : used for multiplication
/ : used for division
% : used to get remainder (modulo)
++ : Increment by 1 (a = a+1)
-- : decrement by 1 (a = a-1)
- There are two types in each unary operators: 1.Pre increment (++a) -> First Changes the value and second uses the value 2.Post increment (a++) -> First uses the value and second changes the value Same for decrement also. Pre decrement (--a) and post decrement(a--)
Relational Operators:
== : Checks equality
!= : Not equal to (check inequality)
> : Greater than
< : Less than
>= : greater than equal to
<= : Less than equal to
Logical Operators:
&& : logical AND
|| : logical OR
! : logical Not (Negation)
Assignment Operators:
= : assigns value of right side operand to left operand
+= : a = a+b -> a+=b
-= : a = a-b -> a-=b
*= : a = a*b -> a*=b
/= : a = a/b -> a/=b
%= : a = a%b -> a%=b
Conditional Statements:
Conditional statements get executed when the condition give is true. The conditional statements are:
if, else
else if
ternary operator
Syntax of if else:
// code goes here --> this code runs when the condition is true
} else{
// code --> this code runs when the condition is false
int age = 19
if (age>18){
System.out.println("U are good to drive");
//this code runs because condition is true
System.out.println("U should not drive now");
//this code does not run because condition is not false
Syntax of else if:
if (condition1){
}else if(condition2){
Syntax for ternary operator:
variable = condition ? statement1: statement2;
boolean largeNum = (145>89) ? true:false;
Syntax of switch:
case 1: //code
case 2: //code
default : //code
Loops are used for repetitive tasks. The loops are:
do while
Syntax of while loop:
updation; //used to avoid looping infinite times
//print 1 to 10
int count = 1;
Syntax of For:
for(initialisation; condition; updation){
//print 1 to 10
for(int i =1; i<=10; i++){
The only way to learn a language is to code it.
Please forgive me for any errors.